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Unlock your potential with Pro AI

  • 500+ AI Tools
  • 100+ Languages
  • 20+ Tones
  • 150K Words of Human-like AI
  • 500K Words of Basic AI
  • 20 Premium Images
  • Unlimited Input
  • Unlimited Documents
  • Bookmark Favorite Tools
  • Browsers Extension

Upgrade yourself with Premium AI

  • 500+ AI Tools
  • 100+ Languages
  • 20+ Tones
  • 350K Words of Human-like AI
  • Unlimited Words of Basic AI
  • All future AI model updates
  • 200 Premium Images
  • 3 Variants
  • 5 Brand Voices
  • Unlimited Input
  • Unlimited Documents
  • Bookmark Favorite Apps
  • Browsers Extension

Maximize Your Performance with Logicball Business Plan!

  • Advanced Analytics
  • Personalized Strategies
  • Expert Guidance
  • Exclusive Insights

Access premium insights and strategies. Join now and stay ahead of the competition!

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Try AI

$0 /Month

$0 /Year

$0 /Lifetime

Free Forever (No credit card required)

  • 50+ AI Tools
  • 5 Languages
  • 2 Tones
  • No Access to Human-like AI
  • 4000 words of Basic AI
  • 2 Images
  • Limited Input
  • 10 New Documents
  • Browser Extension
Pro for Non-profit
Pro for Non-Profit

Special offer for Non-Profit

Upto 100%

Based on internal evaluation


We value your privacy and protect your financial/personal info with advanced encryption and advanced fraud protection.

Service Support

Knowledgeable representatives are available to assist you through instant live chat and email response within 24 hours.

Money Back Guarantee

All of our products come with a 7-day money-back guarantee.

Questions About our LogicBalls AI?
We have Answers!

LogicBalls AI provides a clear and straightforward pricing structure with flexible options to suit your needs. Choose from monthly, yearly, or lifetime subscriptions to access our comprehensive suite of AI tools. For detailed information, please review our pricing table.

The choice of subscription plan depends on your usage needs and budget. If you need ongoing access with flexibility, the Monthly plan is ideal. For long-term usage with cost savings, the Yearly plan offers a discounted rate. The Lifetime plan is best for those who want unlimited, perpetual access to LogicBalls AI without recurring fees.

Yes, our Yearly subscription plan comes with a significant discount compared to the Monthly plan. The Lifetime subscription plan offers the best value by providing unlimited access with a one-time payment.

We accept a variety of payment methods, including major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), PayPal, and other secure payment options.

Try LogicBalls AI risk-free with our free plan! Explore a wide range of features, with limitations on input, output, and some advanced functionalities. It's the perfect way to experience the power of AI writing before committing.

At this time, we do not offer customized pricing plans for individual users. Our pricing is structured to provide a standardized and affordable solution for a wide range of users, including serious businesses, creators, and freelancers.

Yes, we offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with LogicBalls AI, you can request a refund within the first 7 days of your subscription.

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time through your account settings. Your access to LogicBalls AI tools will remain active until the end of your current billing period.

No, there are no hidden fees or additional charges. The subscription cost is all-inclusive, providing access to all features and tools within LogicBalls AI.

Your subscription starts immediately upon successful payment. Renewal occurs automatically based on your chosen plan's billing cycle.

Our customer support team is available to assist you with any questions or issues related to your subscription. You can contact us via email, live chat, or through the support portal on our website.

To update your payment information, please visit this URL and log in using the same email address you registered with.

To upgrade or downgrade your plan, please visit this URL and log in using the same email address you registered with.

To cancel your plan, please visit this URL and log in using the same email address you registered with.

For detailed information, please refer to the pricing table.

Enjoy the flexibility of our tiered word limits. Use basic functionality even if you exceed your premium allotment. For extended access, consider upgrading your plan or contacting us.

Have other question? Contact us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help

Elevate Every Aspect of Your Work

LogicBalls combines brainstorming, writing, analysis, and research in one powerful AI tool. Enhance your professional content now!

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