
Bard vs LogicBalls

LogicBalls is the supreme AI writing tool that lets you create unlimited words with over 200 AI apps, customize your voice style, and save money – the ideal option for AI content creation and copywriting. Discover how LogicBalls beats Bard AI in this comprehensive comparison. See the best AI writer in action

Free Forever
Words provided in free plan per month
10,000 Words
Words provided in paid plan
Varies by plan
Output quality
Superiro (Using GPT 3.5, GPT-4, and LLMs like BARD, LlaMA, and Cohere.)
Long form content
AI apps
No dedicated templates
Free flow writer
Rich Text Editor
LogicBalls has in-built research capabilities
AI Technology
GPT 3.5, GPT-4, LLMs like BARD, LlaMA, and Cohere
Bard's AI Model
Bard doesn't offer pre-defined tones in its core functionality
Plagiarism checker
SEO Friendly
Not specifically designed for SEO
Chrome extension
WordPress plugin
Built for teams
Download document
Mobile friendly
Real time collaboration
Organizing folders
Text to AI image generator
Bookmark Favourite Apps
Create unlimited projects/directories
Brand Voice Settings
Price Starts With

Here is an in-depth post we published recently about the best Bard alternatives

Why LogicBalls is the best AI writer & copywriting assistant?

Best Output Quality

We harness the power of GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and LLMs like BARD, LlaMA, and Cohere, combined with our proprietary layer of best practices and templates, to eliminate grammatical errors and infuse vibrancy into the language.

Tailored to Your Writing Needs

No matter the style, tone, or context you require, LogicBalls adapts seamlessly to meet your unique writing demands. LogicBalls versatility ensures your content stands out in any domain.

Embrace the Future of Writing

Stay ahead of the curve with LogicBalls - your gateway to the future of writing. As AI technology continues to evolve, so does our platform, ensuring you always have access to the latest innovations in AI-driven content creation.


Enhance Your Brand Voice

At LogicBalls, we understand the essence of brand identity. Our AI writer not only maintains consistency with your brand's unique voice but also enriches it with fresh perspectives and creative flair. Let LogicBalls be your trusted partner in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience.

Super Affordable

LogicBalls has a Free Forever plan, which will stay free. And premium starts with $19/m for unlimited usage, LogicBalls offers one of the most cost-effective solutions in the market that gives you complete value for money.


Frequently Asked Questions

If you're searching for the finest alternative to Bard AI and aiming to improve content quality, boost website traffic, accelerate content generation, increase conversion rates, and enhance audience connection, LogicBalls AI stands out as an excellent choice.

LogicBalls offers a robust suite of over 200+ AI writing tools, driven by advanced systems like GPT 3.5, GPT-4, and LLMs like BARD, LlaMA, and Cohere. This ensures remarkable proficiency, enabling users to effortlessly create a variety of content, including blog posts, stories, product descriptions, sales pitches, and ad copies.

Featuring unrestricted word count, a rich text editor, and multilingual support, LogicBalls provides flexibility in content creation. The addition of a text-to-image generator streamlines the conversion of ideas into captivating visuals.

What sets LogicBalls apart is its commitment to brand consistency through tone customization and unified voice settings. The platform includes unique features for crafting audience-specific content, offering speed, free usage, and remarkable user-friendliness, making it the ultimate alternative to Bard AI.

LogicBalls shines in the business writing arena. Its pre-built templates and focus on SEO optimization make it a powerful tool for creating compelling marketing copy. Bard, however, can still be a valuable asset for brainstorming ideas and generating unique content for your business.

There is no definitive answer to which AI chatbot is better, as Bard and ChatGPT have different strengths and weaknesses. Choosing between Bard AI and ChatGPT depends on your needs; Bard excels in integrating with Google apps, while ChatGPT offers versatile text-based capabilities.

The key differences between Google Bard and LogicBalls AI boil down to their focus, features, and strengths:


  • Bard: More broadly focused on generating creative text formats, translating languages, writing different kinds of content, and answering questions in an informative way. Think of it as your universal knowledge base and creative writing partner.
  • LogicBalls: Specifically designed for marketing and copywriting. It provides pre-built templates and tools for crafting targeted content like blog posts, social media captions, product descriptions, and website copy. It's your marketing maestro of engaging content.


  • Bard: Open-ended, multilingual, code generation, research access, free.
  • LogicBalls: Template-driven, SEO optimization, multilingual, built-in research, team collaboration, free & paid plans.


  • Bard: Creative and versatile, informative, and open-source.
  • LogicBalls: Marketing focus, efficiency, SEO optimization.

In summary:

Choose Bard if you need a creative writing partner, a knowledge base, or a versatile language tool.

Choose LogicBalls if you focus on marketing content creation, want targeted templates, and value SEO optimization.

Yes, LogicBalls offers a free plan, allowing you to test the platform before committing to a paid plan.